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Double Vision in Kids: How Can Vision Therapy Help?

A young boy at the eye doctor reading an eye chart to test for visual acuity.

Double vision can be a concerning issue for anyone, but it can be especially concerning for your child. Double vision can impact a child’s daily life and even hinder their development.  Double vision is most often a sign of a greater underlying condition, such as strabismus (crossed eyes) or amblyopia (“lazy eye”). Fortunately, many of […]

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Nearsighted vs. Farsighted: All About Refractive Error Treatment

A woman sitting on a couch holding her smartphone very close to her face.

When it comes to vision challenges, there are 2 common problems that both happen to be refractive errors: myopia and hyperopia. Myopia is best known as nearsightedness and can make distant objects blurry, while hyperopia is the opposite—it causes farsightedness, which means nearby objects may appear blurry.  Fortunately, both myopia and hyperopia can be treated […]

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10 Causes of Blurry Vision & Treatment Options

A senior man sitting at a desk in an office with his laptop and holding his glasses in his left hand as he rubs his eyes

Blurry vision can impact all aspects of your daily life, so it’s essential to understand the common causes and how they’re addressed. Whether blurry vision is caused by myopia, medication, dry eye syndrome, or another condition, there are treatment options available—from prescription eyeglasses to laser eye surgery. Some of the causes of blurry vision include: […]

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Why Is My Child’s Eyesight Getting Worse?

A red-haired girl leans closer to her laptop to see its content better.

As a parent, you strive to ensure the well-being and health of your children, and few things are as worrying as seeing their vision getting worse. Fortunately, an eye exam can help you and your optometrist understand your child’s eyesight and could reveal they have myopia. Myopia is a progressive eye condition that can have […]

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MiSight vs. Ortho-K: What’s the Difference?

A woman putting a contact lens on her left eye using her left hand.

There are several options available to help manage the progression of myopia (nearsightedness). And if your optometrist recommends myopia-control contact lenses, you may notice there are several different options.  Specialty contact lens development continues every day, and this can lead to a lot of confusion if you’ve recently started looking into this. And when it […]

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What Type of Lenses Are Used to Correct Nearsightedness

A young boy smiling while holding a contact lens on his finger as a method of myopia control

You may have heard it called nearsightedness or myopia, but it’s a common condition that makes it difficult for people to see objects clearly at a distance. Nearsightedness is usually diagnosed during a child’s eye exam, as it typically develops during these early years. However, it can also occur later in life, typically due to […]

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