Eye tracking issues, which occur when the eyes struggle to move smoothly and focus properly while reading, can significantly hinder a child’s ability to absorb information, impacting both their academics and overall confidence. […]
What Are the Benefits of Visiting a Developmental Optometrist?
ant benefit of visiting a developmental optometrist is that they are eye doctors who have special expertise in developmental vision evaluations and vision therapy. […]
Is Vision Therapy Covered by Insurance?
Vision therapy is not always covered by vision insurance. While it sometimes may be covered by medical insurance plans, this can vary—while some plans may offer full coverage for vision therapy, others may only cover a portion, or have certain restrictions about what services will and will not be covered. […]
Why Is My Child Rubbing Their Eyes?
The most common cause for eye rubbing is simply tiredness, and many other possible explanations exist. However, if you notice persistent and excessive eye rubbing in your child, it could be a sign of myopia, particularly if there’s a family history. If you’re unsure, an optometrist can look for signs of myopia during a comprehensive eye exam. […]
Is Vision Therapy for Dyslexia
Dyslexia is a complex learning disability that impacts millions of people nationwide. It can make it difficult for individuals with the condition to read, write, and comprehend written language. Over the years, various therapeutic approaches have emerged to address dyslexia, including vision therapy. While vision therapy can’t directly treat learning disabilities like dyslexia, it can […]
Double Vision in Kids: How Can Vision Therapy Help?
Double vision can be a concerning issue for anyone, but it can be especially concerning for your child. Double vision can impact a child’s daily life and even hinder their development. Double vision is most often a sign of a greater underlying condition, such as strabismus (crossed eyes) or amblyopia (“lazy eye”). Fortunately, many of […]
How Does Vision Therapy Work?
Your eyes and brain are naturally designed to work together to help you see a clear image of what’s around you, so you can react appropriately based on that information. How the brain and eyes work together impacts how people learn, their hand-eye coordination, and their brain’s ability to process visual information. If you’re struggling […]
What Causes Strabismus in Babies?
From the moment they open their eyes, babies use their visual system to learn about their world. The connection between their eyes and their brain undergoes incredible development in the early months of life. While it’s normal to see one or both eyes wander in the first 4 months of life, baby’s eyes should become […]
When Is It Too Late To Treat Lazy Eye?
Lazy eye is a common condition that can affect your child’s vision if not treated properly. This is why it’s important to take your child in for annual eye exams. Regular exams with the optometrist can help identify and treat conditions like lazy eye early to prevent long-term vision issues from developing. Fortunately, there are […]