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Category: Children’s Eye Care

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Why Is My Child’s Eyesight Getting Worse?

A red-haired girl leans closer to her laptop to see its content better.

As a parent, you strive to ensure the well-being and health of your children, and few things are as worrying as seeing their vision getting worse. Fortunately, an eye exam can help you and your optometrist understand your child’s eyesight and could reveal they have myopia. Myopia is a progressive eye condition that can have […]

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Does Myopia Get Worse with Age?

A blurry view of an eye chart over a patient's shoulder showing they have myopia.

Many vision conditions are dynamic, meaning they can progress and develop over time. Our eyes are constantly changing, especially when we’re young. During childhood, many vision conditions start developing and can continue to progress into adulthood. A lot of kids are unaware of vision problems because they don’t know how their vision could look. It’s […]

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When Is It Too Late To Treat Lazy Eye?

A young girl at her optometrist getting an eye exam to identify any possible eye conditions

Lazy eye is a common condition that can affect your child’s vision if not treated properly. This is why it’s important to take your child in for annual eye exams.  Regular exams with the optometrist can help identify and treat conditions like lazy eye early to prevent long-term vision issues from developing. Fortunately, there are […]

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