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Category: Children’s Eye Care

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6 Things You Should Know About Myopia

An enthusiastic child with glasses happily playing with blocks.

Although wearing glasses or contact lenses often feels like a quick fix, there’s much more to know about how this otherwise common eye condition affects our vision and eye health: 

Myopia threatens vision 

No level of myopia is safe 

Each diopter matters

Axial length also matters 

All children benefit from myopia management 

Managing myopia requires a holistic approach […]

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Why Is My Child Rubbing Their Eyes?

A young girl rubbing her eyes while sitting at a table trying to draw.

The most common cause for eye rubbing is simply tiredness, and many other possible explanations exist. However, if you notice persistent and excessive eye rubbing in your child, it could be a sign of myopia, particularly if there’s a family history. If you’re unsure, an optometrist can look for signs of myopia during a comprehensive eye exam. […]

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Convergence Insufficiency vs. a Learning Disability: How to Tell the Difference

A child struggles with a homework task.

The main difference between convergence insufficiency and a learning disability is the underlying cause. Convergence insufficiency is a vision disorder that affects the eyes’ ability to work together and can be treated with vision therapy, while a learning disability is a neurological disorder that affects how the brain processes information. […]

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Should I Buy Glasses From My Optometrist? Top 10 Reasons

A woman trying on a pair of glasses in front of a mirror.

When it comes time to purchase new eyeglasses, many wonder whether they should buy directly from their optometrist or look elsewhere. While there are many avenues for purchasing, including online retailers and chain stores, there are significant advantages to buying from your eye care professional.

Some of these reasons may include:

Personalized care and service

Professional fitting

Quality assurance

Accurate prescriptions

Wide selection of frames

Supporting local businesses

Warranty and repairs



Follow-up care […]

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Is Vision Therapy for Dyslexia

A young girl smiling, wearing eyeglasses and looking directly at the camera.

Dyslexia is a complex learning disability that impacts millions of people nationwide. It can make it difficult for individuals with the condition to read, write, and comprehend written language.  Over the years, various therapeutic approaches have emerged to address dyslexia, including vision therapy. While vision therapy can’t directly treat learning disabilities like dyslexia, it can […]

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